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Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic (A Special Issue of Built Environment)

Hatuka T, Editor (2017) Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic. Built Environment 43(1).


Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic

Hatuka T (2017) Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic. Built Environment 43(1): 5 - 9. 


Industrial Urbanism: Typologies, Concepts and Prospects

Hatuka T, Ben Joseph E (2017) Industrial Urbanism: Typologies, Concepts and Prospects. Built Environment 43(1): 10 - 24.


Historic Heavy Industrial Sites: Obstacles and Opportunities

Peterson, SM (2017) Historic Heavy Industrial Sites: Obstacles and Opportunities. Built Environment 43(1):  87 - 106.


Facing Forward: Trends and Challenges in the Development of Industry in Cities

Hatuka T, Ben Joseph E, and Peterson SM (2017) Facing Forward: Trends and Challenges in the Development of Industry in Cities. Built Environment 43(1):  145 - 155. 


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