Industrial Urbanism: Contemporary Dynamics between Production and City Development
"Industrial Urbanism: Contemporary Dynamics between Production and City Development," Tali Hatuka, Blogged Environment, February 23, 2017.
Will the New Industrial City Work?
"Will the New Industrial City Work?" Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office, October, 29, 2014.
Living Next to a Factory
"Living Next to a Factory," Israel Fisher, The Marker Magazine, November, 2014.
Meet the Smart City: the Technological Vision for Kiryat Gat
“Meet the Smart City: the Technological Vision for Kiryat Gat,” Alex Doron, Ma’ariv, July 9, 2012.
Reinventing Planned Cities: Rethinking ’50s Era ‘New Town
“Reinventing Planned Cities: Rethinking ’50s Era ‘New Towns,’“ Scott R Campbell, MIT News, May 22, 2012.
“Re-inventing the Planned City,” American Friends of Tel Aviv University, March 12, 2012.
Students from MIT Plan a Better Future for Kiryat Gat
“Students from MIT Plan a Better Future for Kiryat Gat,” Noam Dvir, Haaretz , February 16, 2012.
What are Students from MIT Doing in Kiryat Gat
“What are Students from MIT Doing in Kiryat Gat?,” Ilana Curiel, Ynet, January 24, 2012.