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Physcial, Social, and Administrative Dimensions

This study, conducted by students from Tel Aviv University and MIT, aims to understand the spatial effects and dynamics of 21st-century manufacturing, and to recommend policies that respond to these effects
and dynamics. During a 10-day workshop in Ashdod and at Tel Aviv University, the students examined and analyzed Ashdod’s’ industrial sites.


This study includes two parts: the first focuses on the existing conditions of and opportunities for Ashdod’s’ industrial sites, and was written by Tel Aviv University students guided by Dr. Tali Hatuka; the second focuses on case studies from the world and applicable lessons for the city of Ashdod, and was written by MIT students guided by Prof. Eran Ben-Joseph.

We hope that the conclusions and recommendations of this study will support the city’s ongoing efforts to attract innovative manufacturers, traditional manufacturers, and technology start-ups. Adopting a
progressive approach to industrial development in the city will cultivate sustainable growth in Ashdod City and in other cities in Israel.

How to cite this report:

Bar Ilan A, Binyamin R, Bramli E, Furshik Y,  Noy K, Pragier E (2017) An Analysis of the Industrial Areas in Ashdod: Physical, Social, and Organizational Dimensions. Faculty Advisor: Tali Hatuka, Tel Aviv University. Available at:​


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